Year 2: semester 1

The entirety of semester 1 was i feel an overall enjoyable series of workshops and challenges, diving deeper into the techniques of journalism, giving me a greater understanding on tackling new challenges within the course.

Developing new skills was an experience in itself, the assignments given throughout the semester provided a new look on how journalism and photography work side by side on a daily basis without even entering the mind.

Year 2: 10 Desirable Dunks of The Decade (list article)

My 10 Desirable Dunks of The Decade

With fans spanning the globe, the game of Basketball with its fast paced style of play is one of the most loved sports around. With loyal fans sporting jerseys and footwear, players are going all out with their latest releases giving fans the ultimate street style.

The eyes of the world opened when the likes of Michael Jordan, Patrick Ewing and Scottie Pippen hit the court, pulling the crowd to their feet these men were the gods of the game.
These megastars brought with them a new style of footwear never before seen on the streets of America. The high-top comfort which rocked the court became the sought after look for fans worldwide. With hundreds of styles available fans were spoilt for choice of showing their love for the game. These rarely seen styles became the desire of fans through the years becoming the jewel in a collector’s crown.

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10 – Air Jordan Fusion (AJ12) – The AJ12’s were the perfect combination of Air Force and Air Jordans two great sneakers combined as one. When first seeing these creations i had to add them to my collection knowing they would become future classics. They brought with them sleek Jordan styling and looks with the comfort of Air Force.

9 – Nike Air Force 1 Low White Total / Orange Lava – The Air Force shoe has been around now for many years with 1000’s of styles and colour ways to tantalise any collector. The Total/Orange Lava editions are however one of the rarer pairs and the most worn pair in my collection which i have not seen elsewhere before or since purchasing them.

8 – Nike Hyperdunk Lakers Kobe Bryant (PE) – The Nike Hyperdunks Kobe Bryant Editions were released just in time for the 2008/2009 Basketball season. Nikes new fiber-wire technology was what first drew me to these latest innovations, as soon as they arrived i had to hit the court to put these ultimate performers to the test. On the court was an epic feeling with these which is why they hit my list and are still the ultimate court footwear.

7 – Nike Air Flightposite Retro – One of the rarest sneakers on the planet the Flightposite Retro Golds hit the shelves in 2008. From first seeing these bizarre creations hit the court on Kevin Garnett feet i spent months hunting the internet to get a pair. Splashing out nearly £200 to own them they get an stunning reaction when people see them on my feet.

6 – Air Jordan 23 XXIII – The number 23 is key to the legend that is Michael Jordan, his jersey number at the Chicago Bulls which retired along with him was an iconic number in the sport. It was only fitting that the shoes of 23 were something special. The 23’s have to be one my ideal pairs the comfort and classic look just flows perfectly.

5 – Air Jordan XV Retro LS – Laser – Released in 2007 and modeled after the x-15 fighter jet the Jordan XV’s became something of an obsession for me. Finding them took time and knowledge but once they arrived i struggled to understand why they were referred to as the ugliest Jordan’s ever created, for me they were perfection.

4 – Nike Air Force 25 League Pack Coast 2 Coast Detroit Pistons Edition – Released as a celebration to a shoe which has stood the test of time. The Nike Air Force 25 were a pair i had to splash out to own. Waiting 3 month for them to arrive they were bliss on my feet, now rarely out of their box but a proud piece in my collection.

3 – Adidas TS Commander Dwight Howard – The Superman Dwight Howard with his Adidas association had to be my first Adidas addition to my ever growing collection. Total comfort and performance on the court i adore these blue demons, holding back wearing them to preserve these rare beauties.

2 – Converse Wade 1.3 – Wade along with Michael Jordan secured me as a Basketball fan for life. With the chance to own a pair of his early editions I snapped up the chance when I found this stunning pair of Converse. Parting the money I have never owned a more comfortable pair of sneakers.

1 – Nike Zoom LeBron VI – One of the later additions to my collection, with the kings name stamped on the side, the Nike Zoom LeBron VI have to be one the most comfortable pairs I own. Released in 2009 the man excelled himself with this Nike LeBron combination and won my love on and off the court.

Year 2: Visual communication’s case study tips

Visual communications.
What is a case study?In simple terms a case study is a piece of research that looks analytically at a collection of things.

Case studies use diverse research methods-In the case study you are producing, these are some of the research methods you are already familiar with:
-Textual analysis
-Information gathering
-Deep search
-Image search

The results could include:
-A set of observed similarities.
-A set of observed differences
-A review of literature about a subject
-A set of interviews with people or groups
-A series of textual analysis

Or a combination of these things

Most case studies take the form of an argument.Sometimes we call that argument a “hypothesis”
A hypothesis is simply an opinion or a point of view that we then set out to prove or disprove using our results or evidence.
Case studies don’t have to be academic essays
A case study can be a piece of journalism- an illustrated feature article that contains your opinions.That means it would need to be written in a less formal, journalistic style.The structure for features like this is slightly different to news features.

Feature structure.

Including://Images (used as illustration throughout)//
//Main argument//


Workshop- Using one of the following case study idea’s, use the topic to come up with a headline and strap.

Case study idea- Is advertising photography truthful?
//HEAD//- The camera never lies.
//STRAP//- Tell that to the chef.

Year 2: Breaking the grid

Grids are the style of layouts used in magazines to present the information published.

Using grids- pro’s-

  1. Makes content easy to layout
  2. Makes content easy to find
  3. Encourage uniform design
  4. Gives brand identity
  5. Look aesthetically pleasing
  6. Helps with alignment

Breaking the grid

We will use this underlying grid structure – but we break out of it to:

  1. Stop things from looking boring
  2. Bring back creativity
  3. Add dynamism
  4. Add emphasis

Which elements can break the grid?

  1. Headlines
  2. Box outs
  3. Photographs
  4. Callouts
  5. Diagrams

Example online-



Breaking the Grid

1. Look through the magazines that have been brought in.

2. Find an example of a double page spread with photographic, illustrative, typographic or other article elements that break the grid.

3. Identify the underlying grid structure (is it a 3 x 5 grid? 6 x 6?)

4. Identify the elements that break it.

5. Photograph or scan the article and embed the image in a blog post, along with your notes.

6. In InDesign, recreate the piece – using Lorum Ipsum for text and images found through searching online.

Magazine layout example which breaks the grid (fall-line snowboarding magazine)


Year 2: Storify

Karl- 5 rules for journalist using storify.

Many journalists are beginning to use social network sites and other forms of online media such as storify (

Storify allows you to create a journalist style piece but combine’s links which allows you to gather information from other sites such as Facebook, Twitter and also search engines i.e. google.

Tips for storify.

1-don’t just drag and drop, drag and dump- with the links on storify it is easy to drag information from social sites, so use these as padding for your story but also add context and/or analysis.

2-write transition sentences between the media (see rule number one)- when using “tweets” or other forms of information feeds be sure to confirm these (verify the source) use several sites to gather the same information to confirm this is correct.

3-give the story a beginning, middle, and an end- when posting on storify use your journalistic skills to pad out the story and in essence create the story, don’t just post what others are posting on social sites and others alike.

4-use storify for real time event coverage- using storify is a much more professional method to post online with your take/ coverage of a story, so using this site allows you to post real time updates in a more professional manor over sites such as Facebook or Twitter.

5-make lots of different kind of stories- storify allows you yo access multiple sites to stay up-to-date with worlds events, this then clearly gives you the freedom to report on several stories on a day-to-day basis, therefore giving readers a variety of articles to read/follow.

Task- Storify Publication.
Produce a published article to allow yourself to get to grips with using storify.

Year 2: Photo Manipulation.

Photo Manipulation
The process of photo manipulation is a delicate task dating back to the early years of photography, many people believe that photo manipulation is a modern day creation brought about by the introduction of photoshop, however this is clearly not the case.

The above photograph taken of one of America’s greatest presidents Abraham Lincoln which has been seen by not just the entire population of america but on a global level is an early representation of photo manipulation. The photo on the right of John C. Calhoun is the original image which was manipulated to recreate Abraham Lincoln, there are many stories behind the origin of this photo many of which come to the conclusion that the photograph was produced after his death due to the fact there were very few photographs of Lincoln depicting him as a historic figure.

Photo manipulation in modern times has taken this process to a level in which reality can be made fiction.

The above image was created using photoshop and depicts what i believe to be the inner demons of the subject, modern technology has given photographers and digital artists the ability to create mind blowing images with computer software.

Photo manipulation in journalism.
Images shown in publications are more often than not manipulated in order to remove imperfections which the subject does want people to see, or to add more drama and emotion to the original image.

The above photograph is a clear example of how a photo published in a magazine is alter prior to publishing to show more drama and feeling in the subject in relation to the event for example this may have been altered to show more drama in the child’s face and the event could be a global tragedy i.e. and earthquake.

This photograph which sparked a major controversy shows the singer Madonna to be a perfect example of woman-hood however the original on the left shows how her body is far from flawless.

Manipulation in journalism has increased dramatically over the years as the public are more tolerant than they once were on certain subjects such as war, and when it comes to celebrities they see them as more of an idol someone to aspire to which is why we see these perfect people in magazines but in reality they are just like everyone else.



1. In groups find two different examples of photo manipulation in journalistic contexts (images that have appeared in newspapers, magazines or news web sites).
2. Analyse the images – look for evidence of manipulation using the check list from the presentation.
3. Write up a short report for your blog which covers:* What evidence you found of photo manipulation in your chosen images* Why you think the publication manipulated the image

* What the meaning of the image is now

* What the meaning of the image was before it was manipulated

The above photograph taken in Afghanistan of a British solider was published world wide, however the image which was published is not the original.
The photograph was created from two previously taken photographs which were then stitched together.

The differences.

1- The clear difference between the published and taken images is the clear presence of people, on the right hand side of the image the positioning of people is different, how they are stood and the gestures they are making were captured in the first image which was taken and then were stitched in to give better composition.

2- The solider himself which is seen in the final published image was captured in the first taken photograph, as the composition of the crowd and the man holding his child were not adequate again he was layered over the other photo to add more drama and action to the feel of the published photograph.

3- The man holding his child which is part of the photo’s focus was again captured in the second image, the first shows him looking away from the solider who is asserting his authority, however the second shows him looking partially fearful at the solider.
This then clearly shows how the two photographs were stitched together to create the final published photograph.

4- One of the areas manipulated which is harder to spot is the clouds in the background of the image, in the taken images there is very little definition within the skyline, however the final published photograph shows the clouds have been darkened and more shadows added to give more depth to the image.



Photo manipulation is not a modern creation however with modern technology and the advancements in software capabilities it is clear to see why it has become part of everyday life in journalism and the workings of many photographers.
Looking at the above examples is a great method of understanding how photo manipulation can be used within my own worked to alter or affect areas i am not comfortable with within my own work.
Due to the ease of which this can be done now i feel it has taken away some of the beauty of photography and it makes me think that anybody with a mobile phone and access to a computer can produce images of a similar quality to those taken with an SLR by a professional photographer.
With this been the case i personally am not a fan of using photo manipulation in my work i will used certain aspects to correct exposure and some lighting defects but i’m more reluctant to use the software to create a fictional image.

Year 2: Mastering Social Media.

Social media has become a world wide phenomenon which affects everyday life, almost everyone you know will have either a Twitter account or Facebook account.
Social media has enabled the “average joe” to keep in constant touch with members of society they would normally have no way of contacting, as a photographic journalist a website such has Twitter gives myself access to organisations which have access to events i don’t.

The above image is from my own Twitter page showing recent updates from MagnumPhoto and LATimesPhotos which just a couple of the journalist style organisations which i am following to keep up-to-date with the articles and pieces they are publishing.

Twitter is not a site which i used on a regular basis however i have began to see how it can be a useful tool for myself to keep connected with the world of journalism outside of mainstream media such as the BBC, and similar organisation’s.
Social media has given the public limitless possibilities to the point where they have become a news corporation “tweeting” up to the minute developments on global events, the death of music icon Michael Jackson was a news story which captured the world by storm, this case was a clear case of social media over mainstream media as fans were posting every second up dating the public on the situation, the up dates were so frequent by many that it crashed the social site “Twitter” and crashed the search engine “Google”

The above link shows the clear advantages of twitter over standard news channels. Social media is the latest tool in a journalist arsenal.

Year 2: Sub Editing.

Sub Editing is the simple sounding process of preparing articles for publishing.
Sub Editing for online is now a more one man job carried out by the journalist rather than a separate person in an office hundreds of miles away from the articles subject.
What sub-editing does?
  • Imposes quality control.
  • Meets production requirements.
  • Sells the story.
Imposes quality control-
The quality control of an article is the task of going over it and ensure that key sections are correct and accurate, these can be things such as dates, times, names and locations. It also covers such things as grammar, spelling and typing errors.
Meets production requirements-
The production requirements are basically the article is the correct length to fill the allocated spot in the publication, the headline and strap are present and correct, and finally that the article itself meets the given deadline.
Sells the story-
Sub-editing the story is the time in which the article can be scrutinised to see if it is capable of selling the story. The sub-editing will look in detail at the headline and strap to see if they are able to grab the attention of the reader, and it will focus on the images (if any) to ensure they are used well to gain attention to sell the article.
Methods on how to sub-edit
Step 1-  Read like a reader. Make sure everything scans and sounds right. Read aloud if it helps.
Step 2- Is the story any good? Could you make it better?
Step 3- Ensure that all the facts stated in the article are accurate.
Step 4- Correct the spelling and grammar mistakes in the piece.
Step 5- Correct the structure of the article. Apply the inverted pyramid if necessary.
Step 6- ALter any paragraphs into one idea sections.
Step 7- Polish up the copy to ensure its ready for publishing and ensure that the copy fits the required specification, for example if the requirements states that the article has to be 200 words then alter the piece to fit the word count.
The inverted pyramid
The inverted pyramid is a journalist term which refers to how a story/article is written and published. It is a very simple style of writing in which the key aspects of the story are placed at the top of the page in order to garb the readers attention and keep it, the term don’t bury the lead is often used when writing articles as it refers to the facts of the story and that the writer ensures that they are the first item on the page.

Subbing Workshop

Sub-edit the following text, using the guidelines given in the presentation. Correct factual data, spelling and grammar. Rearrange paragraphs it so that it fits the “inverted pyramid” structure. Polish it so it reads well and cut it down to 250 words.

The Stone Roses ‘set to reform for come-back tour in Britain and US’
The Stone Roses were a cult band that grew out of the ‘Madchester’ movement, they are reportedly re-forming to play a comeback tour.
Despite their continuing Cult Status, The Stone Roses largely missed out financially.
Reports suggest they will perform both in the United States and Britain with 3 shows at Heaton Park. The news comes only months after the bands front man Ian Brown insisted there could never be a reunion. No chance, he said. “Not in the next three lifetimes. Brown changed his mind following overtures from the band’s guitarist John Squire.A source said: “It’s taken a lot of time and effort to get Ian to agree but he’s really up for it. He was the sticking point throughout the proceedings, but finally relented and signed on the dotted line. Their’s been a lot of speculation in the past but this is the real deal.”The rest of the band was really up for it, especially when they realized the amount of money on the table.”But Ian has forged a really successful solo career and wasn’t very receptive to their plans. It’s taken a while but he’s finally come around to the notion.”The band released their second and final album, ‘Second Coming’, in 1994. However,, it was their debut that won the most acollades, and even in recent years it has continued to feature highly in top of lists 100 songs of the 21st century..
Sub-editing is an aspect of journalism which is rarely seen by the public. The study of the process of sub-editing has been an intriguing workshop and discussion about how it is done and the fact that it is very difficult to notice that published articles have been altered before they have been published.
Working through the method of sub-editing has given me more tools to work through my own published work and improve it for online and magazine style reading.
Looking through my own work with the mind of a reader not a journalist highlights the area’s which are in a way harder to follow than they could be, therefore using sub-editing throughout each piece i have written allows me to correct error’s which make the text easier to follow.
Overall i felt the workshop was a joy to do, highlighting aspects of journalism which were not known to me have given me more knowledge on how to produce work in the future.

Year 2: Modes of Photographic construction.

Modes of Photographic Construction.

  1. Natural/Controlled/Constructed/Studio.
  2. Retouching.
  3. Point of View.
    Selection of story
    Fragments of time-what happens next
  4.  Fiction.
  5. Omission- what you don’t see
1.- Natural– Natural images are easily explained as point and shoot concept, images which are shot out and about for example a paparazzi style photograph which has no editing or post-production work performed on it.
Controlled– A controlled image is based on the surrounding effects which result in the image outcome, these effects are set-up to give a specific result for example lighting at a main-stream event i.e. a movie premiere where the stars/celebrities are all in view of the photographers and a lighting set-up is placed above the photographers to provide a flattering look to the celebrities been photographed.
Constructed– Constructed images are a series of photos which are all created by either the photographer or a group i.e. photographer, stylist, and/ or an art director. These images are usually created as a method of publicising the subject, showing their perfect side with flawless skin, perfect blue eyes, stunning hair, and sought after looks.
All created after the image is taken using post-production techniques in a variety of different software programs.
Studio– Studio produced photographs are all created in a perfect environment, everything in the studio is set just how the photographer wants it, the images produced are more often used for modeling purposes and/or advertising i.e. trying to sell perfume products or items of a similar nature clothing, technology based products, or fashion brands.
2. Re-touching
Re-touching is a key part of photography which is constantly in the public eye, with so many images forced into the limelight re-touching is used to glamorise the subject area.
Images related to a fashion brand used for advertising purposes are the more likely subject area to be re-touched to give the look of perfection making their products more desirable.
3. Point of View
Image point of view provides a wide variety of opinion about photographs, the angle in which photographs are shot at means all kinds of people have a varied opinion on the image and what the believe it says.
The photographer provides his/her point of view on an image by altering how he/she see’s the image and what they want the outcome to be, for example-

the above image captured in New York City during the 9/11 attacks is a clear representation of what happened and where, however the below image captured on the same day gives a different point of view to the extent that it could just be another photograph captured elsewhere in the world and have no link to 9/11.
The image gives the point of view more on the side of the survivors rather than the tragic attack itself.


4. Fiction
Image’s constructed on fiction are an intriguing balance on reality, images which are fake can be so close to reality that it create’s a staggering amount of what-if’s.
Now in some cases fiction photographs are not always fake,

the above image was taken of Barack H. Obama after his speech addressing the nation on the death of Osama Bin Laden, however the image above taken of the speech was taken after Barack H. Obama had already informed the nation of the death.
The image below shows the staged set-up for the photograph of The President.

5. Omission

Photo journalism can cover such a wide variety of worldwide events that sometimes these events may not always produce the action that photographers need to sell the story to a paper/magazine/website.

The above image was taken in Palestine during the riots, the image n the left is the final published photograph whereas the image on the right is the set-up taken by an out of shot camera showing a group of photographers working with the rioters on creating the photograph.
Below is a link to a video showing the events of this staged photograph and several more just like it.

video link-


Workshop task.

Find an example of ONE of the following in a photographic journalism context:
1- Staging of a photograph as “news”
2- Selection of a point of view to tell a specific news story
Research the background of the image.
Create a blog post of up to 200 words with notes on the following:
* How was the image constructed
* What meaning was communicated?
* Is this the “true” meaning
* Are there any signs in the image of construction?
* Include links to any sources or discussions you use.
Staging of a photograph as ”news”

How was the image constructed?
The image taken by Charles Ommanney is of Barack H. Obama taking a moment to reflect on days events in a purpose built tour style bus used by The President.
Constructed on a one-to-one basis with Obama and the photographer and based in a more private setting giving the impression there was only the two of them there at the time the photograph was taken.

What meaning was communicated?
In my opinion the meaning that the photograph communicates is that of hard work, showing Barack H. Obama taking some time to relax and think over the days events.
The photograph does communicate the look and feel of tiredness extremely well showing him reclined in his chair with his feet up on the desk and the fact that his suit jacket is not in the scene gives the idea his strolled in and threw it over the chair like any other business man.

Is this the “true” meaning?
The true meaning of the photograph is not an easy meaning to decipher, however in my opinion the meaning gathered from the photograph of hard work, reflection on the days events, and relaxation is the true meaning which the photographer wanted to get across from the image.

Are there any signs in the image of construction?
I believe the main clue in the image of construction is the fact that there is no one in it apart from Barack H. Obama, given the fact that he is the President of the United States the man has constant protection, and the fact that there is no body guards or personal assistants visible in the foreground or background of the image gives the impression that the photograph was well thought out and planned by the presidents public relations team prior to the shoot.

Links. – Link to description on editorial photographers (Charles Ommanney) – Link to Charles Ommanney’s website


Modes of photographic construction has been an extremely interesting subject to cover, it makes you think in detail a lot more about how the images you see published on a day-to-day basis in the media are not always what they seem to be. Looking at how some of these images are produced shows how simple it can be to turn a low-key event into a mainstream media frenzy with just the help of those involved a simple image taken at the correct angle with the right amount of light and drama can have great appeal over a photograph taken of the more subtle nature of the event.

Working through different articles from published story’s highlights the photographs published in them, we see these images as they appear, however we do not look deeper into them and their creation. The majority of published images are never as they were taken, with the publics views and opinions on what is acceptable changing everyday the media corporations are able to push the boundaries more on the items they publish, for example the acceptable nature of war photography.
This then brings to light in my mind that the action packed images we see in the news are not always the genuine article and are more than likely staged to improve sales and the publics reaction to the story.

Year 2: Referencing Task (re-post).

The task we were set was to find 3 references which refer to – Marshall Mcluhan’s – The Medium is The Massage and reference them in the Harvard Referencing format.

Reference one – The Medium is The Massage –
Author – Marshall Mcluhan
Title – The Medium is The Message an Inventory of Effects
Publication Information – Corte Madera, California 1967
– Originally Published by – Random House 1967
Illustrator – Quentin Fiore (Graphic Designer)

Reference two – In The Shadow of Mcluhan: Jean Baudrillards Theory of Simulation
Publication Information – Published by The MIT Press
Date – December 1989

Reference Three – Three Blind Mice: Goodman, Mcluhan, and Adorno on The Art of Music and Listening in The Age of Global Transmission
New German Critique
Publication Information – Published by Duke University Press


With plagiarism been a major part in everyday published work it is a key skill to have to be able to reference the work of others which you have referenced within your own work.
Looking at how to reference work in the correct and acceptable manor means that i myself am not going to have any problems with my own work been scrutinised for the use of the work of others.